aled's cyfle

Friday, 29 September 2006

Health and Safety

Posted at 1:06 pm.

Today we had a brief course on matters of Health and Safety in the workplace. I found it to be handy and interesting overall, albeit slightly boring (yet important) in parts (the legal bits). The course covered all the basics, from employer responsibilities to our (employee) responsibilities, and I reckon it was well-presented by David.

Having coming from a degree in Film and Television studies, I was very interested in the health and safety aspects of the production side of the BBC (from which we participated somewhat in their employee training CD). I never really studied the health and safety aspects while doing my degree, and I realised that I wasn't really safe doing some of the filming I did on the course! I'm sure to keep note of those things from now on when we get the chance to do something similar.


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